Ocean Front Landscape & Homes at Riviera Nayarit, Mexico

Tips for Buyers and the Law in Mexico to buy a property.

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Tips for Buyers

As a service to Our clients, I'll use this page to offer advice about how to prepare to Buy a property in Mexico. to buy a Property in Mexico as Foreigner you need to obtain a goverment authorize in a few time we put the law information and information of attorney and lwyers to help you to find the legal way to buy a property

Buy in Mexico, Now Safe & Easy

While this website does not try to be your legal or detailed information source for any of the topics below we will be glad to help you access that information from many external sources. We have a very detailed site with much more information on all these subjects. Let us just give you the brief answers and suffice it to say that there has never been a better time to buy in Mexico for MANY reasons!

� New Mexican Laws

In the mid 1970's the Mexican Government realized that in order to attract foreign investment it needed to put a system in place to allow safe ownership of land by foreigners. They amended the constitution to allow foreign ownership of land except in the restricted coastal and border zones. There they allowed ownership through the Fideicomiso system which is a simple bank trust with you as the sole beneficiary of that trust. It allows you almost all the benefits of ownership; building, dividing, selling, renting, etc.

Since the establishment of the bank trust system and it's modification in the 80�s and early 90's no foreign owner has lost their property due to fraud IF they used a Fideicomiso.

� Government Support

Mexico has national ownership of most of the energy sources including electricity (CFE) gas and oil, and even gasoline (Pemex) and has relied on those energy sources as it�s largest revenue source. With the World wide energy crunch and Mexico�s energy reserves being used at an ever faster pace, the Mexican government is shifting it�s focus to tourism as a revenue source that is expected to move ahead of agriculture and energy to become the largest revenue producer in the country.

In order to support the tourism development the nation tourism agency (Fonatur) has recently dedicated Billions of federal dollars to support tourism growth with better airports, marinas, highways and municipal development projects. Their recent attention is focused primarily on 2 areas; the Lower Baja Peninsula, and the area north of Puerto Vallarta known as the Nayarit Riviera.

� Long-term Lending

Mexican real estate investment has traditionally been handled on a cash basis or through private short-term contracts between seller and buyer but recently with the explosion of development and building, lenders in Mexico, the United States and other parts of the world are offering competitive rates on long term lending packages that include land acquision, construction and long-term ownership.

Please contact the HERGO SUNSHINE REALTY office for current lender referrals.

� Professional Package

One of the challenges that any foreign investor faces is the lack of resources in an unknown market. That is why Select Mexico Properties brings the entire package to you so that your experience is safe, easy, and rewarding.

We have gone to great lengths to bring you ONLY pre-screened high quality properties that will meet your lifestyle goals but your investment goals as well. We then bring you a TEAM with people on both sides of the border to facilitate a smooth secure purchase with lots of Finest step options. Weather you want to build to vacation or rent, divide and resell, or build your dream house for your golden years we have the team to support every step from home design to property management when you finish, as well as everything in between.

to find out more info contact us.